Maya Lewis For Student Body President

Learn Chinese NYC

I learn Chinese in NYC with Veronica Chou. I really appreciate her teaching. I find her a very patient and understanding teacher and she helps me feel comfortable making mistakes (essential to the process of learning). I have a lot of fun during our lessons, and she helps me learn vocabulary related to my work and personal interests. I highly recommend her!

Nicole Brancato's Website

Checkout the website of my friend Nicole Brancato. She built it herself using Tumblr and Google Domains with just a little help.

Maradonia and the Seven Bridges

Maradonia is a series of really terrible books, against which I harbor a particular dislike, because of the author’s pathetic attempts at marketing the books as original writing.


A user at ImpishIdea has done a spork of the pretty horrific Maradonia series. Maradonia.


As it happens, there is a new article on Murtagh up.

Secerts of the Dragon Riders

ImpishIdea published a great rebuttal to Secrets of the Dragon Riders, which is a predictably bad book, all in all.

Twilight Movie Review

A new Twilight Movie Review has been posted. I think it does a great job of criticizing Twilight's flaws.